Sunday, June 8, 2014


photo credits: BANZAI

Hello everyone! 
Eiri here, and as promised, I've decided to start a new blog.
Just to give you all an idea, I will be dedicating this blog to writing about tips on what's hot and what's up, based on my perspective of course. But take note, I'm not into mainstream hahaha.

In addition, I will be posting about some reviews as well. Like with the wigs I use, brands of makeup, as well as toys I buy/collect, and with manga/animes I've read & watched. Plus, Online Shops I fancy and love. Maybe even give cosplay tutorials along the way, for fellow cosplayers who view my blog. will see~ hehe.

For now, 
Just to let you all know a little about who Eiri is:

  • I'm a Cosplayer
  • I've been Cosplaying since 2003? 2005?
  • I love playing games, though I wouldn't brand myself an ultimate gamer hahaha, as I'm a selective gamer. I mainly play RPGs, and a little bit of FPS/TPS at times. (+.....Candy Crush!!!)
  • with Music, I love listening to GACKT and Versailles. I'm also open to Kpop, but I mostly listen to RAIN. They're all so epic~♥
  • I have 2 brothers, making me the only girl.
  • I love animals! I have 20+ Chihuahuas.
  • I love to draw/paint! ...though I wouldn't consider myself a genius artist/painter. I'm moody haha
  • I love Vanilla and Strawberries!

Find me on the web:


よるしくおねがいします. m(_ _)m